Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Wired and Wireless together

clipped from www.ezlan.net
It is very common in today computers (especially
Laptops) to have Wired Network Card (NIC) as well as Wireless.  Often users end
up in a conflict and they do not know how to control the system.
Windows Network configures each card has it own
TCP/IP  and the two can live together in peace and harmony provided they
are configuring to work with Set Priority.
1. In Control Panel, double-click Network
2. Right-click a network interfaces, and then click
3. Click Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), and then click
4. On the General tab, click Advanced.

5. To specify a metric, on the IP Settings tab
click to clear the Automatic metric check box, and then enter the metric that
you want in the Interface Metric field.

Looks like this.

 blog it

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